Spelling Patterns 1 / 10 What is the correct spelling following the "-ake" spelling pattern? Bake Baik Baeke Baeak 2 / 10 Which word is spelled correctly following the "-ow" spelling pattern? Thow Thoww Thowe Throw 3 / 10 What is the correct spelling following the "-all" spelling pattern? Moll Mawl Mall Maal 4 / 10 What is the correct spelling following the "-ive" spelling pattern? Active Aktive Actiev Actyve 5 / 10 What is the correct spelling using the "-ain" spelling pattern? Plaine Plain Playne Plein 6 / 10 Which word follows the spelling pattern "-ing"? Runing Runnig Running Runneng 7 / 10 Which word fits the "-est" spelling pattern? Bigest Bigest Biggest Biggist 8 / 10 Which word adheres to the "-ing" spelling pattern? Braking Breakeng Breking Breakink 9 / 10 What is the correct spelling using the "-ain" spelling pattern? Rane Rain Rayn Raine 10 / 10 Which word follows the spelling pattern "-ight"? Light Lite Liet Ligt Your score is 0% Restart quiz